The Edge Youth Ministry
The Edge Youth Ministry exists to help students experience full life (John 10:10) and realize who they are created to be (Romans 12:2) by connecting them with Jesus in order to further God’s Kingdom.
What is The Edge?
The Edge is the Youth Group here at Prairie Edge. Our youth group typically meets every other Sunday from 5:00-7:00pm. Our group consists of students from 6th-12th grade. Once a month, we try to do something fun. Whether that is bowling, a game night, or something completely different!
What does a typical night look like?
On a night that we have youth group, we typically start out with a time of fellowship and fun. We will have some sort of game going, or, if you are more the type to just hang out, you can do that in our youth room. After some fun, we will move into dinner time where we will enjoy a meal brought in by one of the parents. After that, we move into a time of lessons and small groups. One Sunday, the High School goes to lesson time while the Middle School groups go to small group. On the other Sunday it is flip flopped. We separate our Middle and High School groups so that we might have age appropriate lessons, though typically they are the same topic. After lessons and small groups, we move into a time of worship where we will sing a couple songs and have a time of prayer. We round out the night with a group prayer before dismissal.
How can I stay up to date?
You can follow our Instagram @theedgeym or our Facebook Page The Edge Youth Ministry. In addition to that, under the “Resources & Forms” section of this webpage, you can find a Google Calendar of our schedule. If you’d like, you can subscribe to that so if there are any schedule changes, they will automatically be made on your calendar.