"HE humbled Himself!” - FOCUS ON JESUS
I’m overwhelmed when I think about how Jesus Christ “disrupted” the norm of His day. Paul captures it so well in these words to the church at Philippi:
“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God,
did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
rather, he made himself nothing
by taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself
by becoming obedient to death—
even death on a cross!” Philippians 2:5-8 NIV
Hmmmmm . . . “have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”
Sounds like a tall order in a world that seems driven by the mindset “Watch out for yourself.” After all, isn’t it our default to think of ourselves first? When events of the world unfold our first thought is often: How will this affect me? Watching out for ourselves is sort of like breathing, it just happens!
Paul lives in a world of “watch out for yourself.” So do we! Not much has changed in regards to that reality over the past 2000+ years. Yet Paul’s word to those following Jesus was quite simple, and at the same time very profound: “have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”
Jesus flips our societal systems on their head as he speaks it out in Matthew 10:39, “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.” Early in His ministry, He invites his followers to a life lived for more than ourselves, and that is the life that He lives. Jesus’ life is an example for us as to what that life looks like as “ . . . he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant.”
What’s so powerful about the perspective of a servant is that he or she lays aside their own agendas, preferences, anxieties, and instead sacrificially loves and honors others through their words and actions. Yes! That’s the life that Jesus lived as He trusted in the love of the Father and chose to love us even at great cost to Himself. “ . . . He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.”
As we prepare for communion as a part of our online “Good Friday” service, take some time to think about how God has generously loved you in your greatest time of need, even when you didn’t deserve it. Invite the Holy Spirit to do some heart surgery. “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10).
Ask God to bring someone to mind who you can serve with the kind of love that He showed us in sending His Son so that we might have life. It’s that kind of love that Jesus showed us as He “humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross.” Not for Himself, but for us! How can you . . . how can we reflect the generous selfless love of Jesus to those around us?
“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
Know that as a child of God, you are made in his image and filled with the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. Let that confidence in who you are in Him allow you to boldly serve those around you.
Love “all-y’all!”
Pastor Tom . . .