Council Corner weekly
In efforts to stay connected and encouraged, we thought daily emails from the staff and council would be a welcome reminder from church. Despite our situations we need to remember that God is in control.
How many people remember the TV show “Are you smarter than a 5th grader”? In that show comedian Jeff Foxworthy has a small group of 5th grade students and a contestant that is trying to win money answering 5th grade school questions. I have learned after trying to help my own kids do their homework even before this new home school movement started, I would not make any money on that show. Look up the show on YouTube, the questions are tough. So is schoolwork at any grade level.
Through all of this, after one week, I have found the silver lining.
Teachers are wonderful, and are a gift from God.
Be thankful for the technology we have, this could be a totally different experience.
God has been preparing us and continues to guide us through this no matter how long it lasts.
The post high group is studying a book by Andy Stanley called Ask It. In his book Andy asked a simple question. “In light of my past, current and future experiences what is the wise thing to do?”
I know that wherever we are and whoever we connect with we can focus on the blessings we have, and point people to the One who provides a peace that passes all understanding. This is the wise thing to do.
Philippians 4:6 reminds us “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”
Andrew Glerum
***Please reach out to us if you need any help, just not schoolwork help.***